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Subnet Creator's Guide to BTCLI

Subnet creators define and manage new subnets, specifying parameters like burn cost, hyperparameters, or other chain-level configurations. This role inherently requires a coldkey with sufficient balance/permissions to create or update subnets.

This page discusses btcli stuff specifically for Subnet Creators. For general coverage of BTCLI and permissions stuff, see: Bittensor CLI: Permissions Guide

Subnet Creator Requirements:

  • to create a new subnet
  • to sudo on your own subnet

Commands most relevant to subnet creators:

  • Subnet Creation / Configuration (all require coldkey in a secure environment to sign on-chain transactions):
    • btcli subnets create
    • btcli subnets hyperparameters
    • btcli subnets burn-cost / btcli subnets burn_cost
    • btcli subnets price
    • btcli subnets set (some advanced usage might come in via sudo or governance commands)
    • Similarly, short forms like btcli s create, btcli s burn-cost, btcli subnet create, etc.
  • Reads (permissionless in many cases):
    • btcli subnets list, btcli subnets show, btcli subnets metagraph
    • The short forms btcli s list, btcli s show, btcli subnet list, and so on.

The core difference is that creating or altering a subnet’s parameters requires a secure environment and a coldkey that has enough TAO and the appropriate on-chain privileges.